
Stats (Leaders) - All-Time

All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 1 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
At Bats AB
1. Brent Cleverdon 373
2. Eryk Rice 304
3. Joe Lepage 291
4. Randy Rice 269
5. Ryan Dubeau 268
Runs Batted In RBI
1. Brent Cleverdon 64
2. Sheldon Lacroix 61
3. Randy Rice 59
4. Ryan Dubeau 51
5. Eryk Rice 51
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Eryk Rice 59
2. Brent Cleverdon 52
3. Sheldon Lacroix 42
4. Randy Rice 39
5. Stephane Cloutier 37
Stolen Bases SB
1. Ryan Dubeau 74
2. Eric Comtois 31
3. Brent Cleverdon 29
4. Joe Lepage 28
5. Aaron Shaw 20
Batting Average AVG
1. Darren Duclos .667
2. Eric Boulard .625
3. Brandon Caldarwood .500
4. Brandon Cedarwall .500
5. Andrew Alexander .500
On-Base Percentage OBP
1. Darren Duclos .750
2. Andrew Alexander .667
3. Eric Boulard .625
4. Brandon Bertrand .600
5. Bill Cummings .600
Slugging Percentage SLG
1. Dustin Brown .714
2. Bill Cummings .700
3. Darren Duclos .667
4. Eric Boulard .625
5. Eric Comtois .550
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
1. Darren Duclos 1.417
2. Bill Cummings 1.300
3. Dustin Brown 1.283
4. Eric Boulard 1.250
5. Andrew Alexander 1.167
Fielder's Choice FC
1. Eryk Rice 15
2. Joel Ahrens 14
3. Ryan Dubeau 14
4. Stephane Cloutier 13
5. Joe Lepage 12
Reach on Error ROE
1. Brent Cleverdon 31
2. Stephane Cloutier 26
3. Ryan Dubeau 24
4. Eryk Rice 22
5. Randy Rice 17
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
1. Stephane Cloutier 1
2. Richard Beaulieu 1
3. Ryan Dubeau 1
4. Ryan Kaye 1
5. Jr Langlais 0
Plate Appearances PA
1. Brent Cleverdon 432
2. Eryk Rice 366
3. Joe Lepage 316
4. Randy Rice 314
5. Stephane Cloutier 304
Games Started GS
1. Brent Cleverdon 123
2. Eryk Rice 100
3. Randy Rice 97
4. Joe Lepage 90
5. Stephane Cloutier 88
Double Plays Hit Into DP
1. Stephane Cloutier 3
2. Al Kaija 3
3. Greg Therrien 3
4. Joe Lepage 2
5. Mat Rocheleau 2
Triple Plays Hit Into TP
1. Joel Rice 0
2. Chris Tremblay 0
3. Tim Chalmers 0
4. Darren Rowntree 0
5. Zach Seguin 0
Catcher's Interference CI
1. Joel Rice 0
2. Chris Tremblay 0
3. Tim Chalmers 0
4. Darren Rowntree 0
5. Zach Seguin 0
Times on Base TOB
1. Brent Cleverdon 219
2. Eryk Rice 216
3. Ryan Dubeau 172
4. Stephane Cloutier 156
5. Randy Rice 145
Bases on Balls Percentage BB%
1. Brandon Bertrand 60.0
2. Danny Dore 50.0
3. Troy Columbus 33.3
4. Ryan Plante 33.3
5. Andrew Alexander 33.3
Strikeouts Percentage SO%
1. Danny Dore 100.0
2. Mat Maguire 100.0
3. Mike Pintar 100.0
4. Dan Fortin 100.0
5. Brandon Diamond 100.0
Bases on Balls to Strikeouts Ratio BB/SO
1. Dustin Brown 5.00
2. Chris Tremblay 5.00
3. Tim Chalmers 2.25
4. Eryk Rice 1.84
5. Joel Rice 1.75
Run Scoring Percentage RS%
1. Josh Lessard 100.0
2. Tyler Marcotte 100.0
3. Ryan Kujawinski 100.0
4. Justin Hale 66.7
5. Aaron Shaw 62.5
Note: A minimum of 1 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average per Seven Innings Pitched ERA/7
Earned Run Average ERA
Games Started GS
1. Eryk Rice 33
2. Brent Cleverdon 26
3. Ryan Dubeau 23
4. Stephane Cloutier 15
5. Randy Rice 12
Innings Pitched IP
1. Eryk Rice 235.1
2. Brent Cleverdon 189.1
3. Ryan Dubeau 127.0
4. Tim Chalmers 98.1
5. Randy Rice 89.0
Earned Runs ER
1. Eryk Rice 191
2. Brent Cleverdon 156
3. Randy Rice 130
4. Ryan Dubeau 130
5. Stephane Cloutier 80
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Ryan Dubeau 150
2. Eryk Rice 84
3. Stephane Cloutier 71
4. Aaron Shaw 66
5. Randy Rice 65
Strikeouts SO
1. Eryk Rice 267
2. Brent Cleverdon 147
3. Ryan Dubeau 138
4. Aaron Shaw 108
5. Stephane Cloutier 63
Hits per Seven Innings Pitched H/7
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
Bases on Balls per Seven Innings Pitched BB/7
Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched BB/9
Strikeouts per Seven Innings Pitched SO/7
1. Ryan Kaye 21.00
2. Carson Brunet 12.00
3. Ian Ballantyne 11.38
4. Aaron Shaw 10.26
5. Dustin Brown 9.53
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
1. Ryan Kaye 27.00
2. Carson Brunet 15.43
3. Ian Ballantyne 14.62
4. Aaron Shaw 13.19
5. Dustin Brown 12.25
Batting Average Against BAA
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
1. Chris Tremblay 0.60
2. Zach Seguin 1.32
3. Marc Lafond 1.33
4. Joel Rice 1.50
5. Ethan Langlais 1.60
Win-Loss Percentage W-L%
1. Ryan Kaye 1.000
2. Steven Swain 1.000
3. Zach Seguin 1.000
4. Aaron Shaw .727
5. Stephane Cloutier .500
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
1. Zach Seguin 8.50
2. Dustin Brown 5.36
3. Brent Cleverdon 3.42
4. Ryan Kaye 3.33
5. Eryk Rice 3.18
Complete Games CG
1. Eryk Rice 22
2. Brent Cleverdon 11
3. Tim Chalmers 7
4. Randy Rice 5
5. Aaron Shaw 4
Ground balls GB
1. Eryk Rice 227
2. Brent Cleverdon 194
3. Tim Chalmers 116
4. Ryan Dubeau 114
5. Randy Rice 100
Fly balls FB
1. Brent Cleverdon 208
2. Eryk Rice 188
3. Ryan Dubeau 109
4. Tim Chalmers 108
5. Randy Rice 102
Batters Faced - the total number of batters faced BF
1. Eryk Rice 1210
2. Brent Cleverdon 1003
3. Ryan Dubeau 739
4. Randy Rice 571
5. Tim Chalmers 523
Pitches P
1. Eryk Rice 4160
2. Brent Cleverdon 3136
3. Ryan Dubeau 2835
4. Randy Rice 1895
5. Tim Chalmers 1587
Wild Pitches WP
1. Ryan Dubeau 38
2. Eryk Rice 25
3. Stephane Cloutier 24
4. Aaron Shaw 19
5. Joe Lepage 18
Balls B
1. Eryk Rice 1417
2. Ryan Dubeau 1300
3. Brent Cleverdon 960
4. Randy Rice 815
5. Aaron Shaw 650
Strikes K
1. Eryk Rice 2743
2. Brent Cleverdon 2176
3. Ryan Dubeau 1535
4. Randy Rice 1080
5. Tim Chalmers 1024
Note: A minimum of 1 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Total Chances TC
1. Eryk Rice 361
2. Ryan Dubeau 356
3. Brent Cleverdon 343
4. Sheldon Lacroix 337
5. Stephane Cloutier 326
Stolen Bases SB
1. Eryk Rice 106
2. Tim Chalmers 85
3. Sheldon Lacroix 80
4. Ryan Dubeau 73
5. Kealey Cummings 69
Passed Balls PB
1. Tim Chalmers 44
2. Randy Pullen 33
3. Eryk Rice 31
4. Kealey Cummings 31
5. Ryan Dubeau 29
Fielding Percentage FPCT
1. Brandon Caldarwood 1.000
2. John Schumilak 1.000
3. Ethan Langlais 1.000
4. Matthieu Quirion 1.000
5. Darren Duclos 1.000
Total Chances TC
1. Eryk Rice 361
2. Ryan Dubeau 356
3. Brent Cleverdon 343
4. Sheldon Lacroix 337
5. Stephane Cloutier 326